Finding colour with our dogs during the Covid-19 Outbreak
/The Whole World is Crying
Now is when we need colour in our lives
During these times when the whole world is crying, we need to look forward to the time when all this is over, when our lives resume to normal, when the darkness becomes bright and when the dullness of our current situation once again becomes colourful.
While we are asked to stay home and keep a social distance, let us think of things that bring us joy. For so many people that is their dog. There is a reason that dogs are used as therapy dogs. They provide comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, and schools. A simple visit can make all the difference to lift someone’s spirits and boost morale.
When we are feeling low, we often turn to our own dogs for their unconditional love and comfort. So many people believe that their dog can sense when they are feeling down or anxious. I believe this too. “Historically, dogs have been seen as having a “knowingness” beyond human understanding”*
While it may not be proven scientifically, and many veterinarians do not agree, we know our dogs better than anyone and anecdotal evidence is good enough for me! How about you?
If you want more “evidence” there are some really terrific stories about communicating with dogs and dogs as telepathic beings. Here is an interesting article from the Whole Dog Journal, in which they comment on animal communication, a dog’s sixth sense and more.
Dog trainer Cesar Milan has a common sense approach this phenomenon of 6th sense, explaining that the dog’s senses of hearing and smell are responsible for their ability to sense things in their environment. He states: “Dogs are amazing creatures and can sense things in the environment even when we have no idea that they’re there. But they don’t do this with some special psychic ability or sixth sense. Their own regular senses — particularly smell, sight, and sound — are so much better than ours that they can detect things long before we do”.
Meanwhile, to bring a little colour into our uncertain lives right now, here are some lovely colourful photos of dogs!

During these difficult times, if you would like to get out and create some timeless memories of your dog and the special relationship you share, I’ll bring my camera and we can meet on location in Toronto for a dog and people photography session. I’ll promise to keep our social distance and stay 6 feet away from you.
This is a good time get out into nature and to honour our pets who make such a difference in our lives. So feel free to contact me!
Keep smiling, take care of yourselves and of one another!
This is written during the time of the Covid-19 outbreak and emergency situation. I add this here for anyone who may come across this post in months and years to come as an explanation for the meaning behind this post.
*Telepathic Communication with your dog - Whole Dog Journal